Thursday, June 7, 2012

My Worn Out Boots

Hello my dearest darlings! Today I received my laptop in the mail! My own laptop, of which I have been without for over a year! I can finally attempt this whole blog thing that everyone else is doing, even though I will be miles behind everyone else. To start off with, why blog? Why me? Well, as a 23 year old graduate student who refuses to grow up, I've found myself on a constant quest for the simpler things in life. I use the word simple as a homage to experiences that are humbling, home grown, and easy to enjoy. But that does not mean that my adventures will be lacking in flavor, style, or warmth. I like to think I discover, create, or share something amazing almost everyday and would love to share it with the rest of the world. So be prepared for recipes, crafts, fashion tips, and reviews with my worn out boots and me. 

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