Friday, June 8, 2012

Iowa Pride

       Not having to work until 5 today, my sister and I decided to take a little day trip out to Kalona to take a break from Iowa City. Leaving the Walmart and the gas stations behind, the drive out to Kalona always reminds me of the unique beauty that Iowa holds. Rarely appreciated by those not from around here, the skies are clear and endless, as are the fields that roll beyond the horizon. Acres of farmland, small homes selling brown eggs and fresh herbs, and cows grazing in the shade remind us of the promise of growth and the simplicity of nature. 

       Halfway to Kalona is one of my favorite places around, the stores Bloom and Sister's Garden. Antique furniture, unique planting supplies, decorative wall art, and delicious soaps are delightfully cluttered between 2 old homes. Everything in the store has a country feel with a modern and inventive edge. My sister has found dozens of items to add to her terrariums and I have found my favorites perfumes and knick knacks here. I got something pretty cool here today but I do with it will be for another post.

           Once we're in Kalona, our first stop is always the Kalona Bakery. I believe their staple is definitely the cinnamon rolls. I got these two gigantic rolls for around $5! Other than cinnamon rolls, the bakery also has delicious pecan bars and different flavored cheesecakes, as well as an array of muffins, cookies, and pies. They also sell homemade noodles, bread, salsas, and dressings. 

After the bakery, we made our very first visit to Stringtown Grocery. This store is fairly cheap and has items sold with minimal packaging in bulk sizes. The picture I took was of the candy section. So many gummies! Aaah heaven. This place is a must go to stop next time I do some heavy duty baking. Mari got some sour patch kids and I got some sesame sticks and cheddar sticks. 

Finally our last stop of the day was the Kalona Cheese House. It is impossible to visit without leaving with a pound of freshly made cheese curds that squeak in your teeth when you bite into them. The small shop offers a huge selection of crackers, dips, and candies before you reach the CHEESE. Any kind of cheese you could ever want with samples galore! I often times "forget" how a cheese tastes and need to try it again. My sister found a buffalo wing cheese that was phenomenal while I busied myself with teriyaki beef bites and curds. A pound for only $4.50!

Overall, a wonderful day for me and my worn out boots to spend a warm, Iowa afternoon enjoying all of our local treasures. 

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