Thursday, July 5, 2012

Better things to come!

Okay so I know it's been a hot minute since I've had a new post. I have been busy working, slash watching Dawson's Creek, and I haven't had a lot of money to blow on cooking, eating out, and such. Also I am moving at the end of the month and crafting just doesn't seem like the right idea for now (clean up old messes don't make new ones). I hope to make some crafts once I've finally moved in with my mom (yikes). I also have a few soups, recipes, and nail ideas. Also, I'm going to a day of Pitchfork Music Festival in a week so I will probably post about that. I will be living in Shaumburg so hopefully that means I will be going into the city a lot, exploring some new places, and will have better, more exciting posts for you all to read. Today I started the moving process by throwing away some things in my room I don't need anymore. Here is a picture of all the boots I have worn out since the two years I've lived here. 

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