Sunday, July 29, 2012

Sunday Soupday: Creamy Potato

Now that I've finally settled in, with the family away at a Cubs game, and with my bank account slowly disappearing, today seemed like the perfect day to continue my tradition of Soup Sunday. Living in a new place is exciting for me; I like learning where places are, how to get around, the transit system, the best places to eat, to shop, and to drink. Making mistakes and being familiar with failure is humbling but every once in a while I just miss my friends and places in Iowa City. So for this edition of Soup Sunday I thought a comforting soup full of cream, butter, bacon, and carbs was only necessary for a day spent alone in the apartment. 

To prep this soup, I cube 5 medium to large sized russet potatoes and boil them til soft. I save 3 of the potatoes for chunks to put in the soup and I shock those with cold water to stop them from cooking when added to the soup. With the other 2 potatoes, I mash them up with a little bit of broth til they are a mashed potato consistency. This will be added to the soup later to serve as a thickener for the broth. 

To start off with, a medium sized onion, chopped, and about a cup of sliced carrots thrown into a soup pot with around 6 tablespoons of butter at medium heat. After a few minutes, I also toss in about 4 cloves of minced garlic and 4 sliced green onions. Finally to this mixture, I add around a tablespoon of fresh thyme, a bay leaf, and however much bacon you like. So like, a lot of bacon right, and then I let it all cook for a few minutes. After the bacon is cooked, I added 6 tablespoons of flour, or the equivalent to how much butter you put in earlier. After the flour is cooked for a few minutes, I add 4-6 cups of chicken broth, depending upon how much broth you like in your soup. Once the broth is all in, I add 2 cans of corn, and the mashed potatoes from earlier. Once those potatoes are melted into the chicken broth, then I will add the potato chunks. Then I add the magic ingredient, a pint of half and half, so that it is good for me. I also toss in a few handfuls of cheddar cheese, but not a lot because I don't go crazy for it. I might add some seasoning salt after this to taste but for the most part all that's left to do is cover the pot and let it simmer for about an hour until it is ready to eat. To garnish, I chopped up a slice of bacon and some more green onion and sprinkled it on top. You could also add more cheese here if you like. With a beer, a warm puppy, and The Rock on TV, my lazy Sunday is better than yours.

Thursday, July 19, 2012

One Last Hurrah

Alright so today I started throwing all my crap away so I can pack up and move out of Iowa City after 5 long years so today I thought I'd do a post recapping the last couple of days before the move on Saturday.

First, I'm soooo sad I'm moving in with my mom because I really just want my own place that I can decorate and organize the way I want. Every time I go to antique stores/ thrift shops I get annoyed because I can't buy anything! I saw all of these cool antique mirrors that I wanted to hang up collage style to accent my living room, but I don't have a living But, a couple posts back I went to that store in Kalona and mentioned I had bought something. It was a blue torn up shelf for 10 bucks. Before I started packing I arranged some knick-knacks on it to see how it would look. Old books, antique blocks, GE clock, trading cards....kinda cute. Looks a little too neat though. Eh?

Second, I have spent the past 2 weekends in the Chicago area trying to get a job. Got the job and I start Monday. (!) In the mean time, I still had to have some fun while I was there. I stayed for most of the weekend with my friend Julia in Evanston. On Friday, Kuma's Corner was a must for a rainy day. Got the mac n' cheese with da bacon. For some reason, I thought I also needed a burger. Most certainly did not, but ordered one anyway called the King Bong. It was topped with garlic pork, mustard braised onions, white cheddar, and deep fried prosciutto. I could only eat a fourth of the food we ordered but eating it over the next day and a half was satisfying enough. 

On Saturday, we had both purchased tickets to go to the Pitchfork Music Festival in Union Park. We headed there around 3:00 to catch Cults play only to head into at least a 20 minute down pour. I can assure you I was pretty sour, but eventually I dried off and Cults played. Cults was...ehhhh. They started off with one of their better songs, "Abducted" which was a mistake because Madeline's voice was not warmed up yet. And then their transitions were kind of bad, her mic went out for like 2 whole songs, and Brian's voice sounded like Fred Armisen. But it's nice to say I've seen them live. After Cults I immediately headed to the beer tent where my only option was to choke down $5 Heinekens. Beer is better than no beer, but c'mon, we all know tall boys is where it's at. We caught most of Flying Lotus and then stayed by that stage for the Sleigh Bells show that was scheduled next to play. I had seen Sleigh Bells earlier here in Iowa City a few months ago so I was excited to see them again. Just a few feet away from the stage, the energy from this show was unforgettable. Easily one of my favorites, mostly due to the fact that Alexis is a genuine badass who knows how to lead a set in a mean leather jacket. Crowd surfing, mosh pits, water bottles, mud, and sweat. Exhausted from that show, we caught most of Hot Chip probably sitting in a pile of mud while watching funny looking white people dance. Moving onto the Blue stage where Grimes was set to play, the crowd had already moved in and I was stuck behind a tree. Then I was stuck behind someone taller than me. I mean, I could still hear and have to admit, I was blown away with how well Claire sounded live. Backed by Blood Diamonds and 2 backup dancers, an overall decent show that was interrupted by a mixture of high pitched grunts and good vocals. We had planned on trying to get into a Father John Misty show afterwards but honestly we were beat and didn't make. 

The next day however was spent drinking bud light on the beach in Evanston. 

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Better things to come!

Okay so I know it's been a hot minute since I've had a new post. I have been busy working, slash watching Dawson's Creek, and I haven't had a lot of money to blow on cooking, eating out, and such. Also I am moving at the end of the month and crafting just doesn't seem like the right idea for now (clean up old messes don't make new ones). I hope to make some crafts once I've finally moved in with my mom (yikes). I also have a few soups, recipes, and nail ideas. Also, I'm going to a day of Pitchfork Music Festival in a week so I will probably post about that. I will be living in Shaumburg so hopefully that means I will be going into the city a lot, exploring some new places, and will have better, more exciting posts for you all to read. Today I started the moving process by throwing away some things in my room I don't need anymore. Here is a picture of all the boots I have worn out since the two years I've lived here.