Friday, August 17, 2012

Food Friday: God I Love Salmon

I needed to cook something other than soup and cookies. I love cookies. I love soup. But honestly, I haven't exactly been expanding my skills or taste buds recently, and I thought it would be nice to cook dinner for my mom. The menu: Baked Caesar salmon, rosemary roasted potatoes, and sauteed broccoli. The salmon was baked in a Caesar sauce, made from mayo, garlic, fresh parsley, anchovy paste, and lemon juice. The potatoes were tossed in freshly chopped rosemary, olive oil, and salt and pepper before roasted in the oven. And the broccoli was boiled, shocked, and then sauteed with garlic and lightly tossed with grated Parmesan.

I pulsed the sauce together in the blender.

I saved some sauce to be served on the side. 

Raw salmon looks so appealing to me for some reason.

 Then it gets slathered in the sauce, topped with scallions, and baked. 

Beautiful broccoli all cut up. I can't believe I used to hate this stuff.

Yukon Golds, before they're roasted.

And here's the final result! Glad I have leftovers.

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